I REALLY THANK ALL OF THE USERS WHO CALL WHEN THEY FIND A PROBLEM OR WANT A CHANGE. DayAlarm and AccClip are now separate saleable programs. You are registered for DayAlarm and AccClip if you are registered for Accesses. DayAlarm is now in DAYALM.ZIP (sometimes called DAYALARM.ZIP) AccClip is now in ACCLIP.ZIP (sometimes called ACCCLIP.ZIP) If ANYONE has problems or would like to have something added: Call Ted Wall: 510-484-4129 non-emergencies: 8am - 6pm (Pacific Time) Mon-Sun emergencies: call anytime. ALL previous users of ACCESSES should read this file to at least the description of the current version of ACCESSES they are using. ************* Very Advanced Windows 3.1 Program Manager's Startup Group TIP: To start up windows 3.1 the way you want, do something like the following (if this is not clear, call me): Delete Accesses.exe from your WIN.INI Load= line. Add "Accesses.exe !FolderNo10" to the LAST ICON of Program Manager's Startup Group. in Accesses !FolderNo10 you can have the following: !FolderName=Startup Folder !program1=PauseSecs 2 <- varies with computer speed !program2=PlaceDefault clock.exe !program3=StayOnTop clock.exe !program4=MinimizeWindow clock.exe !program5=PlaceDefault winfile.exe !program6=PlaceDefault progman.exe !program8=hidewindow drwatson.exe !program9=PlaceDefault dayalarm.exe !program10=PlaceDefault winoa386.mod <- A DOS Window !program11=StayOnTop winoa386.mod This assumes that the Program Manager's Startup Group launches: clock, winfile, drwatson, dayalarm, and a PIF file. MAKE SURE ACCESSES IS CALLED ONLY ONCE DURING THE STARTUP PROCESS because Accesses has to ignore multiple calls during the startup process. eg DO NOT start File Manager from the Program Manager's Startup Group via "ACCESSES.EXE FILEMGR.EXE". (Because while Accesses is waiting for File Manager to startup, Windows may send the !FolderNo10 command to Accesses.) Start "Accesses.exe !folderno10" from the last icon in the Program Manager's Startup Group. Use the Arrange Icons of Program Manager to "set the icon order". To Save the Win 3.1 Program Managers settings without Closing Program Manager: From Program Manager, press: Shift+Alt+F4. ************* Changes thru 10/14/92 (Version 3.1) 1. THE POPUPS ARE MOVED DIFFERENTLY. MOVING THE POPUP: Activate the popup by clicking once on it with your mouse and then press Alt+Space to activate the System menu. Select "Move" from the System menu then Use the Ctrl+Arrow keys to move the window tiny amounts. OR Hold your Ctrl+Shift keys down then Click on the popup with your left mouse button and drag the popup with your mouse. This is easier than before, but still difficult so you don't accidentially move the window when you use the mouse click functions. 2. The 1/4,1/2, hourly beep now works when no other alarms are set. An error on my part. 3. Added DragDrop to AccClip. If you DragDrop filenames from a DragDrop Server like Windows Filemgr, then AccClip will paste those names to the ClipBrd. (Win 3.1 only) 4. Added Append to AccClip. With "Append" you can "join items together" in the Clipboard stack. 5. AccClip had a very basic math function added to the 'Edit' function. Useful when adding numbers in a Word Processor. See AccClip.wri. Changes thru 9/20/92 (Version 3.0d) 1. Added AccKernl.exe. See ACCESSES.WRI. AccKernl is not a "real Windows program" but just a "Windows Command" that Windows will run then close. The purpose of this command is to speed the Ctrl+Esc key combination for the users who have computers with very low memory. See ACCESSES.WRI. "Ack Kernel" is an optional "program" for any user who wants the Ctrl+Esc speed increase. Changes thru 9/16/92 (Version 3.0c) 1. Accesses now has a poor man's Sound Function. Drag one of the *.snd filenames and drop it on the Accesses popup or use the following Command Line: accesses soundfile anthem.snd See ACCESSES.WRI. 2. Fixed Accesses so that WordPerfect for Windows and other cantankerous programs would attach to a F2, F3, etc. key. You must enter the a portion of the Window's Caption as the "Menu Description". Press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, C and enter "WordPerfect" (or a portion of whatever the title is for the program excluding the Document's name beginning from the left side of the Window Title) as the "Menu Description" and "c:\wpwin\wpwin.exe" as the "Command Line for Executing". 4. Clicking once on AccDrop and pressing the F2 function key or Holding the Left Mouse Button down and clicking the Right mouse Button on the AccDrop popup Will Activate that Window if Active else will launch that Window (similar to the Accesses Popup Function Key and Mouse Click Functions). 7. DOS windows in the Enhanced Windows Mode now follow the "MaxAfterRun on /off" switch. See ACCESSES.WRI, Placing Windows/Launching Programs in SECTION # 2 8. Automatically opening *. (no extension) files using the TXT extension in your Win.INI. 9. AccDrive can be loaded with a Program name for Drag Dropping a document into. Changes thru 8/18/92 (Version 3.0b) 1. Added AccDrop.exe. Each AccDrop represents a program name and will launch a document dragged dropped from the Windows File Manager using that program. AccDrop requires Accesses to be running and must be lauched using a special command line. See ACCESSES.WRI Changes thru 8/4/92 (Version 3.0a) 1. The dialog boxes move to the bottom left corner now instead of the top left when their Help button activates Accesses.hlp. Suggest saving Accesses.hlp's DEFAULTSIZE to the top 1/2 of the screen. 2. Accesses's Alarms will now launch programs at a specific time. Changes thru 7/20/92 (Version 3.0) Changes thru 7/10/92 (Version 2.9k) Changes thru 7/2/92 (Version 2.9j) Changes thru 6/26/92 (Version 2.9i) 1. Added an option to convert your Launch History and for Win 3.1 users convert the last Drag Drop operation to a folder, then you can delete from the !Folder the programs you don't want included. Changes thru 6/22/92 (Version 2.9h) 1. Allowing the user to enter a file mask of "*.extension" or "filename.*" in the Run Program dialog box "Run:" edittext box. 2. Version 1.6 of Dayalarm allows the user to include or not include the Day of the week in the Window Title. Double click on the calendar and look under setup. Changes thru 6/15/92 (Version 2.9g) Changes thru 6/12/92 (Version 2.9f) 1. Saving a launch history in a Combo Box of the Run Dialog box. Changes thru 6/11/92 (Version 2.9e) Changes thru 6/10/92 (Version 2.9d) Changes thru 6/9/92 (Version 2.9c) 1. Allowing the user to CANCEL all prior pending Alarms. *** IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM AN EARLIER VERSION OF ACCESSES **** 2. A Much more intelligent PauseSecs, MILLISEC_DELAY_WIN, and MILLISEC_DELAY_PIF has been written. (definitions in ACCESSES.HLP.) This will allow the user to lower the values and causes less timing conflicts. New values are respectively, 100 and 2000. Therefore: ***** USERS OF OLDER VERSIONS OF ACCESSES ******* should edit the "MILLISEC_DELAY" and "PIF mSec Delay" variables to the 100 and 2000 values or lower. I'm using 50 and 100. You can change these variables via Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, C, N, [enter]. Changes thru 5/22/92 (Version 2.9b) Changes thru 5/11/92 (Version 2.9) Changes thru 5/1/92 (Version 2.8) Changes thru 4/24/92 (Version 2.7) 1. Added a ReStart Windows and ReBoot DOS to the Exit Windows menu item. WARNING Rebooting DOS from Windows can cause some memory managers to lock up! The Reboot DOS function is disabled in WIN 3.0. 2. If you select more than one file from another program and Drag Drop to Accesses, they are all launched (using WIN.INI extensions if they are not already executables). Changes thru 4/20/92 (Version 2.6) Changes thru 3/26/92 (Version 2.5) Changes thru 3/10/92 (Version 2.4) 1. Added several Programming Commands. 2. Added a tiny calendar display - DayAlarm.exe. Changes thru 1/27/92 (Version 2.3) Changes thru 1/16/92 (Version 2.2) 12. Added an "Auto Insert" check box on the Run Dialog box to give the user control and to indicate when Accesses will insert the filename selected in the Filename List box to the program name listed in the Run edit text box or Windows directory. Much, much nicer now. Checked or grayed means that the dialog box is will be auto inserting or has already auto inserted. Not checked means that the user is over riding the default insert mode. Basically, the Run Dialog box is complicated but makes much more sense to the user and fewer errors are made due to this addition. Also functions very well with the Drag Drop version of Accesses. Version 2.1 released 1/8/92 Version 1.1A released 12/21/91 Version 1.0 released 12/11/91